Today I got a personal visit from the superintendent and a...

Good news - next Wednesday is my 60th day working here!! THAT MEANS --> THURSDAY = MORE MONEY!!!!


YAY!!!! Now maybe I can figure out what's been giving me crazy headaches?!
On a GREAT note (please don't jinx me now!!!) - my students have been pretty close to wonderful this week! Not great... but a HECK of a lot better than from January 20-Spring Break! Yesterday they were full of crazy questions...
- Can we come to your wedding?!
- Well, when you do get married can we come??
- Would your boyfriend like to buy a pig??
- Why aren't you married?
- Don't you want to get married??
- When are you going to get married?
Seriously. Not sure what was on their minds! (Yes, the pig one is random... doesn't fit in with the rest of the questions... but she's got Fair on the brain!)
Ok, time to be good and get back to work! :-Þ
Talked to my principal/boss shortly after I wrote the top part... there will not be a 3rd grade position available next year at our school. BUT there will be a 2nd grade position coming open at the Primary School!!! (Ok, so our two schools are housed in the same building, but they're considered separate schools and have different principals.) So now, I just have to wait until the position is posted "in-house" so I can apply for it! She's already given the other principal good words about me and told him that he has to interview me. YAY!!! That's a start!!! HOPEFULLY I'll know what's going on before the end of the school year!!!
On another note... mom has a present for me. She keeps calling and rubbing it in. I think it's driving her more crazy than it is me!! I'll find out tomorrow what it is... I have my ideas!
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