Then I forget by the time I get home and on the computer.
Now I'm jotting down notes throughout the day of what I want to talk about! I've really gotta work on this memory thing... I'm too young to forget so much!
Last week was OAT (Ohio Achievement Test) week at our school. (I guess technically this week is also, but not for Third Grade, so it doesn't really affect me.) During testing week we have to
One of the testing days Mr. K next door sent over cookies to all of the rest of the Third Grade teachers. They were soooo yummy and had my favorite

While Westin and I were grilling up dinner Thursday night... ok, ok. I'll stop making things up. While Westin was grilling (and I was making pasta in the kitchen) on Thursday night the Goodyear blimp went right over top of us! It's housed a few miles away and we see it often... and hear it even more often... but this is the first time I've seen it so close on top of our apartment. You can even see our gutter in the corner of the pic - that's how close it was!!
Today about 3 of my kiddos decided to pick me

About a month ago or so... maybe the weekend of Mindy and Brian's wedding??... I
Fast forward to two weeks ago.
Mom calls on Monday... "I have a present for you!"
Mom calls on Tuesday... "I have a present for you!"
I call Mom on Thursday and she says... "I have a present for you!"
Seriously, it was killing her more than it was killing me!!!
We got home last Friday night and on the counter... under a blanket (because "It's not your birthday yet, Katy!") was....
These are my first practice stitches from that night... not bad for a beginner!!

I finally had a chance to play with it again tonight and I filled the bobbin on my own the very first time!!!!

Mom and I used to it work on Emily's present... yeah, still not finished. My fingers are all healed now I think. I need to finish it and get it to her before she's TWO!

I used it today to do the top-stitch on the coffee cozy wraps that Mom and I threw together this weekend!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
(Note: MckMama has not been participating in Not Me! Monday for the past few weeks due to being in the hospital with her beautiful Stellan... who.... got released from the hospital today!!! He and MckMama will be heading home to see Prince Charming and her other Many Small Children tomorrow!! You can still clicky on the link to her page and read the whole story!)
Onto what I didn't do this week... and maybe a few things from last week.
I did NOT forget to hand in the bags upon bags upon bags of chocolate and "spa" items for the basket raffle last week. Nope. Not me!
I definitely did not hide this fact from my students and bring all the stuff home.
I then did not take the chocolates to Westin's study buddies last Monday since I know we don't need so much junk at our place!
I first did not sort out the good stuff (you know... Peanut Butter Patty GirlScout Cookies... Dove Chocolates... Hershey Kisses...) and leave those at home for Westin and I!!! I would never do that!
On Friday I most definitely did not let my class watch TWO movies in the morning before lunch. I would never do that. I am the most responsible and educationally-minded teacher ever. I also did not let them stay out at recess an extra 45 minutes with the other classes because it was the first nice day all week and they had worked so hard on their OATs! There is way too much to get done to let them play outside and watch movies all day!
I did not feel as if I'd missed the "Get a haircut this weekend." memo when SEVEN of my students showed up today with haircuts. (That's nearly a third of my class!!)
And there is no way in heck that the thought crossed my mind that one (or more) of my students could possibly be home with Swine Flu today becuase I had FOUR kids out all day and the case in Lorain County has been officially confirmed!! I would not think such things!
So Katy...what will you sew for me?? Just checking your blog page!! Great job!