Haha! Yup, I'm back already! Cleaned up my messes from today and now want to share more! :0) You'll all (as in Westin and my Mom, b/c I'm pretty sure no one else is reading this yet) be ready for me to go back to school next week and stop typing about life!
Ok, so first off... my egg dying experience.
I borrowed the idea from
LollyChops (on my crafty blogs list at the right) - definitely check hers out. They're PERFECT and came out dyed beautifully and with crisp, clean lines! Mine... not so crisp and clean, but still pretty cute. Ok, so here goes... in all they're picture-goodness... my eggs!
First.... how they came about. Well, not the eggs... but my decorating of them.
Blue painters tape on freezer paper. I love this trick... but am 0 for 2 in positive results with it!

Then use decorative punches to cut out designs. I currently only have a circle and heart punch, but they work. Scratch that... I have a star one too, but the tape/freezer paper kept getting jammed in it... so I didn't use that one.

Then start putting the tape all over the eggs. These are my eggs all taped up (minus 1, because I thought one should be left alone!):

Then I mixed up the dye...

And got a surprise in my box of egg dye...

TWO packages of color tablets and all the goodies! Yes, I even double checked the "contents" on the box... there was only supposed to be 1 set in the box. YAHTZEE!!
So anywho... back to the egg-dying experience at hand... I put the eggs in the dye...

Ok... so I originally let them sit for 10 minutes and checked them. The color SUCKED. No, I had not added any vinegar or lemon juice to make it brighter because I didn't have "distilled white vinegar" or the lemon juice... so while egg batch #1 were in, I dumped in some Apple Cider Vinegar and let them (fizzle and) sit for another 10 minutes. They came out better after that.

Did the same for egg batch #2... and let them all dry. Once they were dry, I peeled off the blue painters tape...

And of course... my 2 favorites!

While my eggs were drying I also (finally) painted/glittered this Can Koozie for Mom...

Next on my crafty-list (besides Emily's things mentioned earlier... and there may be a slight set-back there... but that's another story) is to make another vase for Westin's Mom.

I made the original one for her birthday, and her cleaning lady knocked it over... the whole top part broke off. Boo! I've been needing to re-do this for months, but am kind of afraid that it won't be as good! I just have to sit down and do it.
OK. On a COMPLETELY different (non-crafty) topic... for anyone who uses this regularly and posts pictures... is there an easier way?! Everytime I add a picture it puts it at the top and I have to drag it down the page. Pain in the rear end! Please help if you know! :0)
I also think this is a pain! However, I just put my pictures in backwards order when I'm adding them in. Then, they are the right way without dragging them around!
ReplyDeleteI love how your eggs turned out!